Thursday, June 23, 2011

Download GM San Fierro Cops-Robbers-RPG v1.0


- Police Officer
- /cuff (PlayerName/ID)
- /m(egaphone) (Message)
- Roadblocks
- /search (PlayerName/ID)
- /suspect (PlayerName/ID) (Reason)
- /ticket (PlayerName/ID)
- /payticket
- /pu (PlayerName/ID)
- /arrest (PlayerName/ID)
- /detain (PlayerName/ID)
- /dropoff (PlayerName/ID)
- /911 (Message) - For Civilians.
- Locked Police vehicles, interior, workable gates and security door using keypads at the garage entrance.

- Army Officer
- Working gates at entrance.
- Working vehicles including tanks.
- Extra mapped base onto the current base.

- FBI Officer (500 Score)
- Mapped FBI Base.
- FBI interior including working keypad security doors, and a lift to the garage and roof.
- Working entry/exit gates to garage.

- CIA Officer (Admin assigned)
- Mapped CIA Base.
- CIA Interior.
- Working entry/exit gates to the base.
- The ability to use a satelite to view players and what they are doing.
- The ability of CIA to /tackle to disable players.

- Police Air Support && Marine Support
- 2 seperate bases.
- 2 sets of vehicles at each base: Helicopters && Police boats.

- Medics
- All players can call a medic with /medic.
- Medics can use /heal, /healme, cure, /cureme.
- Medics can set the price of their services with /setprice.

- Car Mechanic
- All players can call a mechanic with /mechanic.
- Mechanics can use /repair, /repairme.
- Mechanics can use /setprice to set the price of their services.

- Taxi Driver
- Drivers can enter a taxi vehicle to go on duty.
- Players can call for a taxi with /driver.
- Drivers can use /setprice to set the price of their services. (Pay per minute)

- Civilian (Rapist)
- Can rape players and infect them with STI's that can kill them.
- All players except law enforcement can /rape but cannot infect.

- Civilian (Drug Dealer)
- Players can call for them with /drugdealer.
- Can sell weed to players with /sellweed.
- Can sell heroin to players with /sellheroin.
- Players can use /smokeweed (Grams).
- Players can use /injectheroin.

- Civilian (Weapon Dealer)
- Players can call for them with /weapondealer.
- Can show their weapons with /showweapons.
- Can sell weapons with /sellweapon.

- Civilian (Hitman)
- Can kill players on the hit list.
- Can view hitlist with /hitlist.
- Players can place hits on other players with /placehit.

- Civilian (Kidnapper)
- Can kidnap players with /kidnap (Must have rope).
- /Untie command for all players.
- /cutrope command for all players (Must have scissors).

- Civilian (Theif)
- Can rob players with /rob.

- Civilian (Car Jacker)
- Has to find bought cars from Otto's Cars and enter them to steal them.
- Takes the stolen cars to the shipyard (Marked with an anchor).
- Can use /sellcar to sell the stolen car to the shipyard.

- Civilian (Terrorist)
- Can buy C4 from the bomb shop behind Wang Cars. (Marked with BS).
- Can blow their vehicle with /blowcar.
- Can blow the CIA main building with /blowup.
- Can blow the CIA Satelite with /blowup.
- Can blow the CIA Bridge with /blowup.
- Terrorism Level that enables you to blow certain things up at certain levels.
- Can check /tlevel to see this level.

- Robable places around San Fierro
- Can rob these places with /robstore.
- Supa Save.
- Four Drug Houses.
- Garcia Burger Shot.
- Downtown Burger Shot.
- Ocean Flats Cluckin Bell.
- Downtown Cluckin Bell.
- Ammunation.
- GayDar Station (Bar).
- Zero's.
- Misty's (Bar).
- GYM.
- Driving School.
- Wang Cars.
- Train Station.
- Barbers.
- Hospital.
- Jizzy's Nightclub.
- Esplanade North Well Stacked Pizza.
- Downtown Zip.
- Downtown Victim.
- Juniper Hill Binco.
- The City Hall.
- A few more i might have forgot. (All are markered).

- Tram Driver NPC
- Tram Driver named Billy.
- He drives around San Fierro on the tram route, making a stop at:
- Downtown, Financial, Esplanade North, Calton Heights, Garcia and Doherty.

- Inventory
- Can store C4, Rope and Money in it.
- Use /inventory to access it.

- Map Icons
- Every possible place that can be entered or robbed etc has been marked on the map with a marker.

- Auto Wanted Level and Auto Jail
- Wanted Level and Jail Time are both saved on exit.
- When you re-enter, your level/jailtime will be given to you.

- IRC Commands according to your level on IRC: Voice, halfop, op, admin and owner.
- Everything from ingame is echoed to IRC.
- Admin IRC channel shows the stuff only admins should see ingame, on IRC.

- Admin Levels
- Admin levels 1-5 and 1337. (1337 being owner).
- Has a range of admin commands that can be viewed with /adcmds.

- Simple Anti-Cheat
- Ban's Illegal weapons and Cash hacks.

- Supa Save (Store)
- Can buy: Rope, scissors, sausage rolls (/sausage), needle and syringe.
- Can also be robbed.

- Regular Player Commands
- Roadblocks are locked to RP's.
- /rc (Chat).
- /afk and /back.

- Random hostnames
- Hostname changes every 2 minutes with some different messages.

- Random Messages
- Random messages that are helpful are messaged to all players every 2 minutes.

- Bank
- To store your cash.
- Can also transfer money to other accounts.

- Businesses
- 2 Non-Dynamic Businesses. (Must be set owner via playerfiles).
- Otto's Cars.
- 4 Drug Houses (1 Owner).
- Owner's recieve all profits when online, and offline (In to bank when offline).

- Non automatic vehicles
- Must use '2' or /engineon/off to start the vehicle engine.
- Can use the following: /lightson, /lightsoff, /bonnetup, /bonnetdown, /bootup, /bootdown.

download here