Thursday, October 18, 2012

L-AFK System v1.0


Hello all,
This is my fourth filterscript on SA-MP Forums.
When I was a newbie, it was my dream to create an AFK System but later I saw that many users are releasing and of same kind.
So I thought of releasing my script as unique.
This is bit different from other AFK systems and I hope you all will like it.


-3 Commands.
-Freezes on AFK and unfreezes on Back command.
-Teleports to jizzy's club and on back command, it teleports you to where you was.
-Saves hp and armour and then sets to MAX hp on AFK command and brings it back to its original value on Back command.
-AFK Timers.
-Easy Configurations.
-Dancing Anims on AFK.
-Music on AFK.
-Kicklog for Timer Kick. (Scriptfiles/LAFK_Kicklog.txt)
-Counts the number of users on AFK List.
-3dTextLables for player while AFK.
-Chat restriction while AFK.
-Stores the Ip in Kicklog.


#define AFK_MINUTES 15 //Minutes, a player can stay in AFK. Default is 15.
#define AFK_SECONDS 0 //Seconds along minutes and hours, a player can stay in AFK.
#define AFK_HOUR 0 //Hours along minutes and seconds, a player can stay in AFK.
#define Disable_AFKCHAT == true //Change it from true to false if you don't want AFK users to be restricted in Chatting.
#define sname "SERVER" //Change the SERVER to your hostname but it must be typed between the quotes(").

The default AFK Time limit is 15 minutes.
While changing time, you also have to change the textdraw's text because I've given 15 in the text as default.
So you must change from there also or else the player's won't know how many minutes/time they can stay in AFK Mode.



Well I faced many bugs after creating this but I'm glad that I fixed those.
If you find some, please let me know.


* While AFK


AFKTimer Kick


7-10-2012 (October 7th, 2012) v1.0- Initial Release

ZeeX for zcmd include.
Lordz™ for AFK System.



Hope you'll like it.

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