Thursday, October 18, 2012


Open up the script and READ the comments at the top. Make sure you follow them if they have instructions.
Compile the script.
Put the script in your filterscripts folder.
Add it to server.cfg.

You will need:
zcmd (put it in pawno/includes)
G-sTyLeZzZ's MySQL Plugin (Instructions in the thread)

Main Commands
/buyhouse - buys a house
/enterhouse - enters a house
/exithouse - exits a house
/sellhouse - sells a house

Selling and Buying
To buy a house, get to the checkpoint of the house you want, and type /buyhouse. You must have the right amount of money, and you can only own one house. To sell a house, get to the checkpoint, on the outside of the house, and type /sellhouse. You will get the full amount of money back.

House Creation
(I recommend using an Interior Explorer for this)
Log into RCON.
Go to the spot you want the entrance pickup to be, and type /createhouse exterior.
Now go to the place you want the player to be teleported to when they enter, and type /createhouse interior.
Type /createhouse finish and you will be teleported to the house's exterior.
Walk over the pickup, and if you are still logged onto RCON then you will get a message saying the house's ID.
Type /setprice ID PRICE with the ID of the house and the PRICE you want it to be.
That's it, your house is created and someone can buy it!
(P.s. setting the house's price to -1 makes it unavailable to buy, setting it to 0 makes it free!)

If you own the house, type /lockhouse to lock it. Simple.
Unlike other house systems, you can lock the house from inside or out, you can lock people inside and you can lock yourself inside to hide.
The house's lock can also be permanently broken (until it's fixed!)
To break a lock (you can break your own lock, and you can break the lock from indoors if you get locked in) go to the door and do /breaklock. You will be frozen and a timer will appear. If you wish to stop breaking in, do /stopbreaking. When the lock is broken, the house will be unlocked and the house will be unable to be locked again. (P.s. it's easier to break a door from outside than inside, and it's easier to break a locked door than an unlocked one.)
To fix the lock, type /fixlock and it will be fixed, for a small fee.
To upgrade your lock and make it harder for attackers, type /upgradelock, and it will be upgraded, for a slightly larger fee.

Safes and Lockers
When you own a house, you get access to a gun safe and a cash locker.
To access these, go into the house and type either /housesafe or /houselocker - the rest will become clear.

I will fix any bugs (or atleast attempt) and will take all requests/suggestions into consideration. Just post any suggestions or requests on the thread!

Package (both .pwn and .amx, and zcmd include)

Last but not least...
Enjoy the script! If you do choose to use it on your server, I ask that out of respect you give me credits, but if you choose not to then there's not much I can do.

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