Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Horce Race Betting + Simple Time System

Hai thar, I created a Filterscript for live horse betting because I think all those "text-adventure" lotto bettings aren't really interactive Sorry for not optimizing it, I was out of sa-mp for 5 months and forgot how to script lol

You will need the plugins SSCANF and ZCMD which I have included in the .zip file.



(Don't forget to watch in Fullscreen and 480p if you want to actually see what im typing lol)

The race is set to start at 1:20 AM and the filterscript starts at 00:00 AM. Commands are /bet , /mybet , /watch and /exit , but you can just type /cmds ingame to view them I hope you like it even though it's not good scripting. It's my first released script tho.



1 comment:

  1. Any credits? Guess not... should I just report this blog or?
