Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Very Nice Admin House

Sup samp peoples releasing this Admin house i made.
Cool Water Area
A Runway for planes
A gunroom


Download AdminHouse.amx
Put it in your filterscripts
Open Server.cfg
And include AdminHouse on the filterscripts line.

/ahouse to go there
/og1 opens gate one
/cg1 closes gate one
/og2 opens gate two
/cg2 closes gate two
/ogroom opens gun room
/cgroom closes gunroom
/lup moves lift up
/ldown moves lift down

You also need incognitos streamer for the 3dtextlabels

Download HERE

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Simple AFK script

Hi, i made this include, when i was borring, i start to do somethings with pawn. Here is the resoult of be borring.

Simple AFK script, when you are AFK, you are frozen.

You need ZCMD.
COmmands: /AFK - /NOAFK

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T-Rank System


Hello everybody today im coming with my second release Rank System.I made it for my own but i decided to release because it might be useful for some people

How it works

Well actually its pretty simple.It attachs TextLabel to player so that other players can see what rank he is.

You can check your rank with this command and also check ranks:

  • /rank
  • /rankinfo

There are 8 ranks which is:

  • Private
  • Private First Class
  • Corporal
  • Sergeant
  • Staff Sergeant
  • Sergeant First Class
  • Master Sergeant
  • Commander



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New Vehicle Functions System

Vehicle Behavior Updates Filterscript Vol. 1.0

Hey! This is another filterscript by me. It is all about vehicles. It adds new features to the way the vehicles act.

Features in V. 1.0:

*Tires pop after you burnout for 7 seconds. (Incredibly accurate!) *Hotwiring when stealing a car.  *Seatbelt function  -Checking for a seatbelt if you're a police officer  -If you haven't put your seatbelt on, you take damage when you crash while driving a vehicle *Engine failiure on vehicle crash (If the vehicle has little health left). You can get the vehicle to work again by hotwiring the car again. *Hotwiring includes a good-looking progress bar *If you take damage while putting your seatbelt on, you fail at putting it on.
I will add more functions as I update the script.

*To hotwire a vehicle press your forward key then your backwards key then your forward key again and so on.
*To put your seatbelt on hold your submission key.
*To do a burnout hold your forward and your backwards key at the same time (NOT CREATED BY ME, GTA-SAN ANDREAS FUNCTION)


Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/jPuXEVAz
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Horce Race Betting + Simple Time System

Hai thar, I created a Filterscript for live horse betting because I think all those "text-adventure" lotto bettings aren't really interactive Sorry for not optimizing it, I was out of sa-mp for 5 months and forgot how to script lol

You will need the plugins SSCANF and ZCMD which I have included in the .zip file.



(Don't forget to watch in Fullscreen and 480p if you want to actually see what im typing lol)

The race is set to start at 1:20 AM and the filterscript starts at 00:00 AM. Commands are /bet , /mybet , /watch and /exit , but you can just type /cmds ingame to view them I hope you like it even though it's not good scripting. It's my first released script tho.


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Simple Text-To-Speech system

Simple Text-To-Speech system

Well, I didn't see anyone releasing this (Or maybe I just missed it, sorry if it has been released already...) so I thought I will post a simple script that works like a Text-To-Speech program.

Commands are: /ttsstart to start the Text-To-Speech, and /ttsstop to stop it. When you're in TextToSpeech mode (After you've typed /ttsstart) just type anything you want and the nice lady (lol) will say it.

Here's a video:


Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?yrtiz8jwyy2rdaw
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/yfv6sBDG
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# About:
When I was playing MineCraft in Creative Mode recently, flying around a bit, I thought to myself: This Flymode thing is really useful, I could really use that in SA-MP to test things and quickly get to places. I knew there were several flying scripts, but not one like in MineCraft. I started working on it and here is the result!

# Features:
The flying in this script feels pretty natural. You enable the Flymode with /flymode. After that you press Shift to start flying and hold the Spacebar to accelerate. Your character flies to where you aim your mouse at. To hang still in the air you release the Spacebar and to stop flying you press Shift again.

Change the Flyspeed
With /flyspeed you can change the flying speed. A dialog will pop up and you can type the new speed.
Default is 1.

- RCON Admin only. (Simple to edit though, just search for IsPlayerAdmin.)

# Commands:
- /flymode

# Video:

# Installing:
1) Download the file and put it in your filterscripts folder.
2) Open your server.cfg file and add 'flymode' to your filterscripts line
3) Run your server and enjoy your new FS

# Downloads:

Version 1
Download v1 .amx: http://www.era-gaming.nl/files/flymode.amx
Pastebin link v1: http://pastebin.com/AWDF80a6

# Credits:
The one who made SetPlayerToFacePos
Y_Less for sscanf
Me for the rest.
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Stuck in Death Bug Fix

This filterscript fixes an issue in 0.3d where clients become stuck in death when they die with an animation applied to them.

#include   new pLastAnimIndex[MAX_PLAYERS];  public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) {     new animlib[32], animname[32];     GetAnimationName(pLastAnimIndex[playerid],animlib,32,animname,32);     if(strcmp(animlib, "PED", true) != 0) ClearAnimations(playerid);     return 1; }  public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) {     pLastAnimIndex[playerid] = GetPlayerAnimationIndex(playerid);     return 1; }
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dini Gang System by MavericK


- Creating custom gang zones all over SA via cmd
- Creating gangs, inviting members, conquisting zones staying in the area with 3 members for 2 minutes
- Gang list
- Gang radar
- Gang Chat


"/Createzone" To create a gangzone (Only Rcon) -> To make the zone conquistable you must restart the FS
"/Removezone" to delete a zone (Only Rcon)
"/Gand di" to remove gangs with less than 2 members (Only Rcon)

"/Gang help" for the cmd list and other
"/Gang create" to create a gang
"/Gang invite" to invite a player in your gang
"/Gang join" to join a gang
"/Gang leave" to leave a gang
"/Gang list" to see the gangs list
"/Gang stats" to see the stats of your gang
"/Gang radar" to enable/disable the gang radar

Test it on the official server: italianfighters.com:7777

Included a default gangzones Pack. Just replace the CFG or edit it for 69 Zones and copy the Zone directory

Download Link: NO MIRRORS PLS

Download V1.0
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Custom Radio Stations

What is it?
This filterscript was designed to mimic the way in which GTA:SA handles the in-vehicle radio. The filterscript has a selection of predefined UK-based radio streams and allows the players to flick through the streams complete with the station name drawn via a textdraw exactly in the way that the regular station names would show.

How do my players use it?
Simple really, just go ahead and press your "KEY_YES" and "KEY_NO". These are also known on a default keyboard layout as 'Y' and 'N'. Y to go to the next station and N to return to the previous station.

Raw PAWN Source
Pre-compiled AMX Binaries
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Gang Zone Editor 1.0

To be said the 2nd or maybe even 1st most accurate gang zone creator.

Why did you create this?

Hi all, presenting you my new release as of now the first release I've created in 2012

I've been bored, was watching suggestions that were submitted to my servers development crew and one was a gang system with gang turfs. Now I've created all this and I'm planning to update the server soon though I've been missing on making gangzones everywhere for the capturing of turfs.

I've tried Xtreme Vehicle Plotter and iPLEOMAX's gangzone editor and they weren't as accurate as I thought, so with the features created by Kalcor inspired me to create such a thing.

Indeed fairly basic but useful at the same time!!


Support for multiple gang zones at the same time.
Close-to-none commands, user friendly interface.
You can use your map to view the gang zone created.
To re-size the gang zones, you use your large map at the main menu.
Most of all the interface is done with dialogs.
You can create a new project, delete it, and export it to a file.
You can modify each gangzones: MAX_X, MAX_Y, MIN_X, MIN_Y, COLOR, in-game!
Exports as "projectname.ini" including the line that you need to create the gangzone!
Fairly efficient and fast!


Does not save on it's own, so you must EXPORT the project after you've finished.
Nothing else that I know of.


Besides that logo "Awesome Stuntages Reborn", I'm not affliated with that, just a random gamemode I needed to test on.

Click Here to view the slideshow of these images.


[01/17/2012] Released.
[01/18/2012] Critical Bug fixed, make sure you use update now!!




Compile as a filterscript name in the filterscript folder and load... Should work fine.


There might be a problem, so if there is, please inform me of such a thing. I've spent roughly about 45-60 minutes creating this, most of it rushing lol.
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[FS] v1.6e || Simple House System || 1 line = 1 house

Simple House System


* a means Antironix

On a day i've maded my self a house system, but for twenty lines for each house, i started to make a simple system that will add a house with one line. And voila, i have created it.
Non bought houses are locked!

How to add houses:
Put this line under public OnFilterScriptInit():


AddHouse(houseid, Float:iconX, Float:iconY, Float:iconZ, Float:interiorX, Float:interiorY, Float:interiorZ, Cost, Sell, Interior, Virtualworld)
houseid: This starts always at 0!
icon- X/Y/Z: The housepickup infront of the door.(outside).
interior - X/Y/Z: The spawn place where you spawn as you enter the house.
Cost - The cost of the house.
Sell - If you sell the house, you get this value back.
Interior - The interior of your house.
Virtualworld - To make more rooms.

To make unique houses you must avoid that 2 AddHouses contain the same interior+Virtualworld world.

Change MAX_HOUSES to the ammount of houses you have.

How to add housecars:
Put this line under public OnFilterScriptInit():


AddHouseCar(houseid, modelid, Float:Carx, Float:Cary, Float:Carz, color1, color2, respawn_delay)

Just fill it in as normal. The houseid is for the house you want to be the car for.

Want more cars?
Just edit #define MAX_BUY_CARS to the number of cars you have.
And edit this variable:


new Buyable_Cars[MAX_BUY_CARS][CarInfo] =

"Infernus"=CarName that you have to use in /ordercar [carname]

- /buy
- /sell
- /enter
- /exit
- /lock
- /unlock
- /home
- /rent
- /unrent
- /setrent [0/1] [Cost]
- /getrent
- /payrent
- /housestats
- /house
- /ordercar [carname]

None at the moment. Only the one I know

Example Houses:
AddHouse(0, 1442.9769,-629.5287,95.7186, 2317.8201,-1024.7500,1050.2109, 250000, 200000, 9, 0);
AddHouse(1, 1980.9896,-1719.0171,17.0304, 328.1465, 1478.4457,1084.4375, 200000, 150000, 15, 0);

Example Houses map:
Look at the red circles with the red arrow.

http://pastebin.com/f189fe528 <-- Fixed Pickups + Rent

- If you have done GMX, reload the fs.

Hope you like it.
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Riverwood Roleplay

Script introduction

I've decided to edit a script a friend of mine made, i'm not that good at scripting so please do not expect great things from me. I think i will be releasing updates for this script, it pretty much depends on what you guys think about the script.
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New Generation RPG

►ABOUT: Well, well, well. It has been a long time since I developed this mode and I finally forced myself to rewrite it and fix the bugs. Actually, I was working on a training server for Fire Department faction on Los Santos Role Play, which was based on my earlier work at NGRP. And now... I brought the ideas and bugfixes from that code to this one.
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

San Fierro Cops-Robbers-RPG v1.0

Story behind the making of SFCRRPG

Well, i have been scripting for Byrner's CRRPG for well over a year now and i decided to make a Cops-Robbers-RPG (Kinda like LVRCR) and base it in San Fierro. My aim was to make a good skeleton with just enough features in the script to make it usable as a v1.0 script on a paid for SA-MP server. Now after completing the script, i can look back and definitly say that i have achieved this.
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Mega RolePlay [San Fierro]

Hello everyone. Today me and my friends decided it's the time to release this script as we don't use it anymore.

We are the owners of the past server Mega-Rp.Com. Server was running for few weeks and after that it got closed because I quit samp, and admantis (co-owner) didn't want to run it on his own. We moved the whole script to San Fierro (I'm sure that there are things we forgot, but most of the stuff is moved).
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Bone County Roleplay - Unique [YSI, YCMD]

working on it. It's been hanging around my documents for some time now, so I decided to release it. Be aware, there are a few bugs, and a few things aren't complete. The only reason I am releasing it is because it's a unique, 100% from scratch script and if you are planning to base a server in Bone County, feel free to use this as a base to get started. There are basic user commands and administrator commands. I was planning to script all of Bone County and Bayside before I stopped working on it.
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Fas Drifting GM 0.3d

Hyy there Everyone !!
I am releasing my 4th Gamemode and 7th Script here today. This is a Simple Drifting Gm made by only me except some Major FilterScripts.

Gamemode Information
This is a simple Drift Gamemode with Teleports to get to more then 10 drift places..
It is 0.3d soo no need to convert it..
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intelexe's Role Play

Before downloading or start reading the next information,i would like to precizate that this Script is not for beginners.It is more understandable than the other GameModes but still not for beginners.Also,please stop PM'ing me questions about the GM or the next version because you can just ask here and i will answer,same with suggestions/bug reports/etc.
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[GM] The Godfather

As some of you readers might have witnessed that the Godfather server is no longer running my script, as they were trying to trash me as soon a different script would be out since i wasn't active to much anymore.
Because of that i made some drastic actions, that might have been to harsh actually, but what done is done.
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