Tuesday, July 5, 2011

GTA IV Hints, Tips, Easter Eggs, and Secrets

Don't Pay Toll
If you approach a toll booth with an emergency vehicle (sirens on), the gate will open and you'll avoid paying $5.
(Submitted by: Mike)

Call the Police!
If you press LB while in a police car (stopped), you can call for backup. Officers will come to help you (though they'll turn on you when they realize you're not a cop!).
(Submitted by: GeeTeeAy)

Unlock a Helicopter with Rockets
Collect all 200 flying rats (pigeons).

100% Completion
Complete all missions - 68%
Complete all 30 car thefts - 2%
Complete all 50 stunts - 2.5%
Collect all 200 pigeons - 2.5%
Complete missions from all random characters - 5%
Complete all 20 vigilante crimes - 2.5%
Kill all 30 people on the list - 2.5%
Beat someone on every activity - 5%
Get all special abilities from your friends (doesn't include Dwayne or Roman and do the associated activities - 10%

Water Cannon
Steal a fire truck and press the fire button to shoot the water cannon.

Statue Of Happiness' Heart
Steal a helicopter from the Helicopter Tours place to the east of Happiness Island. Fly over the Statue of Happiness and jump from the helicopter, landing on the platform by its feet. You need to land at the top of the statue's base - run around until you find a door marked with plaques which read "No Hidden Content Here." The door doesn't open, you just walk through it. Climb the ladder to find the heart of the Statue of Happiness! See video below:

Unlock Rastah Color Huntley SUV
Complete 10 Package Delivery missions

Free health boost
Enter an ambulance and you'll get a small health boost

Free shotgun shells
Enter a Police Cruiser for five shotgun shells

Steal a Desert Eagle early
Kill the gun dealer in Broker and take it

Get a Remington shotgun
Go to the strip club, and enter the manager's office - it's on the floor.

1 comment:

  1. http://ultimate-gta.blogspot.com/2011/06/swat4samp-game-mode.html?showComment=1309891529190#c8159283288149019724

    which the password to unzip?
