Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Just Roleplay New

Just Roleplay was a project undertaken by myself and members of the 101st Division clan over a year ago now. Although enjoyable whenever we were running it, we found ourselves unable to commit. However we had put a lot of work into the gamemode, and therefore didn't want to see it go to waste. We have stopped and started the server countless times in an attempt to revive it. Nothing seemed to work. So we have decided to release both the gamemode and UCP. I'm going to dive straight into the technical explanation.

Mysql Table Explanation
rp_active_ringtones - This table contains the a record for every user with their appropriate ringtone, entries will only appear here if a user has a ringtone set

rp_admin_action_logs - This was a late addition, a log of a lot of administrator actions, this table can get very big as administrators alter variable in-game

rp_admin_logs - A log containing all administrator actions taken against players (Eg, kicks/bans)

rp_apb - A table containing all of the active police department APB's

rp_bans - A table containing all of the users who are banned from the server

rp_businesses - A table containing all of the businesses in-game

rp_calls - A table containing all of the call-logs for 911

rp_characters - A table containing all of the characters for the server (Players can have multiple characters per account)

rp_cheques - A table containing all of the cheques issued in the server

rp_clothing - A table containing all of the clothing for each user, including offset bone etc.

rp_companies - A table containing all of the companies in-game.

rp_connection_logs - All of the connections made to the server, including IP and username

rp_crimes - Warrants issued to users are found here

rp_criminal_records - A table containing all criminal records, recorded for each arest

rp_death_logs - A table containing all of the deaths (As long as they are triggered by another user)

rp_drugs - A table containing all PLANTED drugs

rp_faction - A table containing all factions in-game

rp_fines - A table containing all user-fines (tickets)

rp_houses - A table containing all houses

rp_interiors - A table containing all interiors (Buildings that can just be entered, no owners etc)

rp_mail - A table containing all user-mail

rp_notes - A table containing all user notes (/note)

rp_oil_rigs - A table containing all oil rigs, oil rigs can be bought by companies.

rp_paylogs - Logs for players paying other players

rp_pm_logs - All pm logs will be found here

rp_prison - The status of all prison cells.

rp_purchase_logs - This logs some purchases, mainly larger scale purchases. This was a late addition, made to enable refunding of players who were caught out by bugs in new features. And therefore does not log much.

rp_radio - All radio stations, usable in vehicles

rp_redeem - Unused, was a feature in the making

rp_ringtones - A table containing all available ringtones in game.

rp_secure_ip_logs - A table containing logs of users who fail to connect under a secure-ip secured account

rp_stock - A feature that was half completed, and disabled in-game.

rp_users - All user accounts

rp_vehicles - A table containing all user vehicles. Old vehicle are not deleted, just flagged as "truncated" to allow vehicles that were lost un-fairly to be restored.

rp_vehicle_death_logs - Logs of vehicle deaths

rp_vehicle_models - This contains all vehicles that are available within the dealership. Including "fuel-interval" and price. Also the number of credits that are required to purchase said vehicle (0 for none)

rp_vinventory - This was a buggy feature, but used to maintain vehicle inventory

rp_weapon_transfer_log - A table containing all weapon transfers

rp_work_logs - Used in conjunction with companies, logs all work done by companies
Any other tables are used as part of the UCP, and should not be removed if being used as intended.


This gamemode was a MASSIVE learning curve for me. There may be features that are poorly optimised or inconsistent. It was never intended to be released, only for use within a community that I am involved in. I do not claim this script to be perfect or well optimised in any way.


This gamemode uses a large number plugins to enhance it's functionality, I have included ALL plugins and includes that this gamemode needs to work. Credits to their original creators are inside the includes if they placed any in there. I have not removed any credits from any file.


This gamemode requires 2 folders to function, "missions" and "logs" - Missions is used to log the completion of missions and logs is used to log MySQL errors - As trying to log them in the database would be silly. Missing these folders may result in server crashes - I have included these in the download. In addition, during later development the gamemode was tested on a local linux server before being pushed to it's live server. For that reason there is a "config.ini" which contains an environment variable, this variable dictates which mysql details to use. This is locatable in the "connectToMysql" function of the script.


This gamamode requires a UCP in order to run. Skins cannot be changed inside the game, as well as that, credits and donator items (with the exception of vehicles) can only be purchased from the UCP interface.

Donation Credits

Credits are the equivalent of money, in later stages of development, we decided to allow players to purchase credits which they could use to purchase clothing items for use within the game. This was simply a method used to encourage donations, and may not be to your tasting.

Developer/Mapper credits

- NINTHTJ/TTJJ/Terence Jefferies - Gamemode
- StatusRed/Edward McKnight - UCP Lead Developer - http://www.em-creations.co.uk/
- falco2404/Liam Cottrell - UCP Developer/Mapper
- Paul - UCP Developer
- Spartan029/Darrell Bell - Testing/Suggestions
- Ryan Soper - Testing

All I ask in exchange for the use of this script is that my name, and the name of any other developer involved in the creation of any code distributed here is not removed.

Please Note: I offer no support for any features that are inoperable, neither will I assist in the setting-up of any servers.

PLEASE NOTE: If the server fails to connect to a MySQL server, it will run an "exit" command, closing the server down. Please be sure to change MySQL credentials under the "connectToMysql" function. In addition, this script is recommended for ADVANCED programmers only, this script is NOT "plug-and-play"

Having Issues: READ your "server_log" file - This will usually give you the explanation. In addition, ensure that you have specified your MYSQL credentials under the "connectToMysql" function.


**Link Updated**

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